Swiss Day at Tsinghua University Shines Spotlight on Swiss Higher Education

By Danli Zhou, Head of Marketing & Communications

On Friday November 1, 2019, the Swiss Day was held at Tsinghua University for top-tier elite students and the general public to learn more about Swiss Public Universities as well as its world-class research and innovation ecosystem, organized by the Science & Technology section of the Embassy of Switzerland in China in partnership with Tsinghua University and Beijing Innovation Center for Future Chips.


The students had the great honour of attending a lecture from Prof. Giacomo Indiveri, Director of the Institute of Neuroinformatics, University of Zurich - the top comprehensive university in Switzerland. He introduced the field of neuromorphic computing technologies for building real-time behaving cognitive systems. Several media also attended the event.


The afternoon's activities included an exhibition and info desk on Swiss research & education, a fun quiz on Switzerland and Swiss cheese & chocolate tasting. Participants also had the fun opportunity to compete in a paper plane throwing contest to win a return flight to Switzerland with Swiss International Airlines.


We would like to congratulate our colleagues from the STE Section of the Embassy of Switzerland in China: Nektarios Palakas, Jonas Thürig, Chenchen Liu, Yijun William Wu and Sandro Wirth for the great event and stellar organization!